Hi everybody and welcome back! Today I decided to tell you something about veganism. WHY? Because it seems to me that it slowly is becoming a trend of these days and I know that many people judge vegans because they think it can not be healthy. So….I would like to tell you basic facts and also  my opinion about this trend.

 Hope you enjoy it!

  • ·         What does it mean?
  • ·         Is it healthy for your body?
  • ·         Do vegans eat grass?
  • ·         What you should know if you want to become a vegan!

What does it mean to be a vegan?

Veganism is a kind of diet and also life philosophy. Vegan is basically someone  who doesn’t eat any animal products – that means eggs, milk, honey, meat, another dairy products and so on. There is many vegans that also refuse to use animal-tested cosmetics, disagree with fishing, hunting, circus or ZOO . They also do not wear clothes made from animals ( furs, leather jackets,...).

What you should know as a vegan + what about vegans health?

If you think it can not be that good for your body you are generally right. Being vegan requires hard work. You should know your body well, listen to it and you also must know what your body needs- especially if you are still in development.
If you are educated enough and you want to become a vegan go and help yourself. 
But you should  know that you will need some dietary supplements :
B12, vitamin D, iodine, selenium, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids
- because you won’t have your meat protein and many other important nutrients that means you have to supplement them.

Do vegans eat grass?

OH, NO….
they don’t eat grass. I hear it everywhere around me but it definitelly is not true! Even though vegans eat only plant product their plates are usually full of colorful and nutrion food - (You just have to know your options!!).

What can vegan eat:

  • ·         vegetable (potatoes,..)
  • ·         fruit
  • ·         soya (tofu, soy milk, soy „meat“,…)
  • ·         legume (lentils, beans, peas,…)
  • ·         pasta
  • ·         oats
  • ·         nuts and other seeds
  •        ..........

You might be surprised at what magical food can be produced from these ingredients!

I think being vegan isn't bad at all - if you take care of your body well. Personally, I don't consume many animal products and I am trying to avoid eating dairy products. I don't eat meat at all and the rest of animal products I try to replace as much as possible by plant products - soy milk, tofu..
I like eating like this. It is much more delicious to me and I am calmer because I know what I actually eat. I also like to create nice, healthy and colorful meals.

 ↓           LOOK         ↓ 


avocado toasts

banana - cinamon oatmeal

sweet potatoe, celery, carrot from oven with chilli sauce

quinoa, zucchini spaghetti with tomato pesto, spinach, tomatoes

mashed sweet potatoe, corn, tomatoe, lettuce, savoy

Hope you enjoyed reading!

See you next time,

Veronika <3

furs - kožešina
dietarry supplements - doplňky stravy
nutrients - výživa
flapjack - bar from oats, nuts, coconut oil,maple sirup, mashed banana and peanut butter
savoy - kadeřávek



  1. Hi Veronika,
    in my opinion, you have chosen a really interisting topic, which is (like you said) quite trendy nowadays. I know a lot of people around me, who critise these people, who are vegans or even only vegetarians. I am always like "So? What's wrong with that?" I think that people are not so much educated about this stuff and we definitely need more articles like yours :)
    Wish you a nice day!

    1. Hi Tereza,
      thank you for your nice comment! I feel it the same way. People should be more educated before they even start to judge vegans or vegetarians (not only them).

  2. Hi, you are right it is quite popular nowadays. I have tried avoiding meat for one month and i felt very weak. Actually it was raw food diet. So I returned back to normal but try to make healthy choices.
    i love the pics. Avocado toasts and quinoa sald - the best!:)
    So you do not feel weak when avoiding meat?

    1. Hello,
      when I eat enough of the other food I feel actually really great and full of energy. But I have to be careful to have enough of my nutrinional values from my food. I think you just have to use to it...not eating the meat and dairy products (and you have to want actually).
      So, I don't miss the meat in my diet at all.

      Thank you for your comment.

  3. Hi Veronika, honestly I don't undrstand vegan people. You have to supplement some of the nutrients but supplements can damage your liver and also it is expensive - if you want quality. It seems to me that vegans have to think about food all the time - to have the right amount of nutrients. It is so time consuming and it can not respond with a student life or hard-working, busy life. Also, meat contains essential enzymes which are so so important for your body. And what if you are vegan and pregnant? Remember those episodes of "Friends" when Phoebe was pregnant and she wanted meat so bad? I thnik it is not sustainable. From the scientific point of view - human is an omnivore. (I cannot find the article about it I've read). I just do'nt agree with it but you already know.
    Eva ♥

    1. Hello Eva,
      thank you for your own opinion...I am glad you have some. Keep going!

  4. Hi Verca,
    I like your post, because for me is veganism one big quečstion mark. I heard about that, but I don't know if I understand everything.
    I don't know if it's healthy or not. But I think that if you know your body it can't be so big problem.


    1. Hello Sara,
      I am glad you liked my post. Well, if you want I recommend you to find some more information about can educate and inspire yourself more with this topic and find some new healthy (and yummy) recipes.
      And honestly, many vegan people I know are really happy and have a lot of energy for just have to eat properly(!).



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